The Beeliar woodlands and wetlands support a wide variety of flora and fauna, showcasing the incredible biodiversity present in each zone. Many species exclusively inhabit wetlands or rely on them for critical stages of their life cycles, making the protection of these environments paramount. The woodlands and wetlands provide unique habitats for specialised plants and animals, and their conservation is essential for preserving the delicate balance of these ecosystems. To further explore and appreciate the rich biodiversity of wetlands, click on the provided images and links.

Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree

Nuytsia floribunda Nyungar: moodjar Nuytsia is hemi-parasitic because, while it has green leaves and can photosynthesise, it takes water and…



Drosera species WA has the highest diversity of carnivorous Drosera species in the world due to its nutrient poor soils.…

Woody Pear

Woody Pear

Xylomelum occidentale Nyungar: djanjin With sprays of creamy, vanilla-scented flowers in summer followed by fur covered pear-shaped fruits in Winter,…

Firewood Banksia

Firewood Banksia

Banksia menziesii Nyungar: boolkaala The late summer flowering Banksia menziesii is one of four species found in the threatened ecological…



Macrozamia riedlei Nyungar: djiriji Zamias belong to an ancient plant family dating from the Mesozoic era, hence sometimes being called…

Carousel Spider Orchid

Carousel Spider Orchid

Caladenia arenicola Nyungar: cara Spider orchids are pollinated by male thynnid wasps lured to the flowers by a scent that…

Donkey Orchid

Donkey Orchid

Diuris species Donkey Orchids can be found in multiple zones across the corridor in spring. They flower at the same…



Eucalyptus todtiana Nyungar: dwutta Pricklybarks (coastal blackbutt) grow on some of the most nutrient deficient soils on the Swan Coastal…

Hairy Yellow Pea

Hairy Yellow Pea

Gompholobium tomentosum Hairy Yellow Peas are legumes that form a symbiosis with bacteria in their roots allowing them to fix…

Blue Banded Bee

Blue Banded Bee

Amegilla species Native bees depend on good quality native vegetation. Unlike commercial honeybees, native bees are stingless, usually solitary and…

Golden Orb Weaver

Golden Orb Weaver

Nephila edulis Nyungar: kara Orb weavers can be found in remnant bushland, the large females are easy to spot in…

Gould’s Wattled Bat

Gould’s Wattled Bat

Chalinolobus gouldii Noongar: babitj This common species of microbat is seldom seen as it roosts in tree hollows during the day…

Forest Red-tailed Cockatoo

Forest Red-tailed Cockatoo

Calyptorhynchus banksii naso Nyungar: karak Forest red-tailed black cockatoos originally populated the forests of the SW of WA, where their…

Carnaby’s Cockatoo

Carnaby’s Cockatoo

Zanda latirostris Nyungar: ngoolark Carnaby’s are regular visitors to the woodlands in the corridor where several banksia species, along with…

Snake-necked Turtle

Snake-necked Turtle

Chelodina oblonga Nyungar: yaakan This is the main species of turtle still found in Perth wetlands and it plays an…
Photo of tawny frogmouth family

Tawny Frogmouth

Tawny Frogmouth

Podargus strigoides Nyungar: kambany Tawny frogmouths are night hunters, roosting in the lower branches of trees. Their mottled grey colouring…



Isoodon fusciventer Nyungar: quenda Quenda provide a range of benefits to the corridor ecosystems by moving four ton of soil…

Bearded Dragon

Bearded Dragon

Pogona minor Rather than a beard, dragons have a flap under their bottom jaw that can be expanded to help…