The Roe 8 corridor trail is approximately 4.5km in length. It is an east-west bush corridor which travels between Bibra Drive (Bibra Lake) in the east and Stock Road (Hamilton Hill) in the west. Most of the trail has a limestone path meandering through the bush, with corten steel signs giving way finding and interpretive information. There are seven distinct ecological communities in the corridor, which means a very high diversity of flora and fauna can be viewed along the trail. Please note that the eastern side of the trail between Bibra Drive and Hope Road is seasonally inundated and not trafficable for part of the year (roughly June to October).

About us
Rehabilitating Roe 8 is a collaboration between the government and community organisations to enable the repair of the Roe 8 project site from east of the Kwinana Freeway to west of Stock Road.
In collaboration with community, scientists, State government and the City of Cockburn a 10-year Rehabilitation Management Plan was prepared for the Corridor, which spans 4.5 kilometres from Bibra Drive, to west of Stock Road.
The Rehabilitation Management Plan sets out objectives for both the restoration of the site, which comprises seven different ecosystems, and community engagement. The site will be used for passive recreation, environmental and cultural education and research.
Community involvement is seen as pivotal to the success of the project.
The implementation of the Rehabilitating Roe 8 Rehabilitation Management Plan is being overseen by the Rehabilitating Roe 8 Advisory Committee. The committee meets monthly to discuss all aspects of the rehabilitation including program of works, education and communications opportunities and events.